Sunday, December 29, 2019

10 body language hacks to project leadership presence on video

10 body language hacks to project leadership presence on video10 body language hacks to project leadership presence on videoYou may be a senior-level executive, an innovative entrepreneur, or a respected expert in your field - but when you are on camera, do you know how to project leadership presence?Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraSylvia Gorajekis a Video Strategist and Executive Producer helping Fortune 500 and Silicon Valley tech startups narrate their stories with impact. I was honored to add my expertise in body language and leadership presence to her expertise in interviewing and producing video commercials. Here are our ten hacks to project leadership presence on video1. Sylvia GorajekKeep laser-focused eye contactWhether youre looking into the camera or at an interviewer, by no means let your eyes wander. While in general its OK to occasionally look around, its a defini te no-no for leaders. You have to be sharp in delivering your message. The more you keep your eyes focused, the more youll appear principal, knowledgeable and confident. This will also keep viewers attention.2. Carol Kinsey GomanDress for successIt takes less than seven seconds for people to make judgments about your confidence, competence, professional status, and warmth. While a face-to-face meeting gives you added opportunities to project presence - by the way you enter the meeting room, shake hands, etc. - on video, that first impression is made the moment people view you on the screen. So be sure your grooming and wardrobe send the right message.3. GorajekTake 5 deep breathsThe silent breathing technique is a secret weapon of all on-camera hosts and presenters. Taking 5 deep breaths right before you hear Action not only helps your body relax and your mind focus, but also straightens your posture and projects an impression of confidence and integrity.4. GomanDeepen your voiceT he quality of your voice can be a deciding factor in how you are perceived. Speakers with higher-pitched voices are judged to be less empathic, less powerful and more nervous than speakers with lower pitched voices. While relaxing your body (especially releasing tension from your shoulders, chest, and jaw) will deepen your voice, here is another quick and easy tip Before you go on camera, put your lips together and say Um hum, um hum, um hum. Doing so drops your voice into its optimal lower pitch.5. GorajekStraighten your posturePeople make judgments based on someones posture more than on their actual role or title. While sitting comfortably or even a little slouched doesnt do harm in real-life situations, you have to maintain good posture in front of a camera. Pay attention to how celebrities sit on a TV show, and youll notice that they keep their backs straight throughout the whole show. This is neither comfortable nor does it feel natural, but it does wonders on camera.6. GomanKe ep your head straightSquaring your shoulders and keeping your head straight, with your ears in line with your shoulders, makes your look sure of yourself. When you tilt your head, you look more tentative.The only time head tilts are perceived as positive body language cues is when you are listening to someone else speaking.7. GorajekUse the right gesturesUsing gestures, in general, is definitely advised as it adds energy to the video. But not all gestures work to your advantage. For example, you dont want to have your hands anywhere near your face, since that projects a sense of uncertainty. Making wider arm movements do not look too esthetical on camera either. Keep your elbows comfortable and in line with your shoulders youll appear self-assured and collected.8. GomanShow your palmsKeeping your movements relaxed, using open arm gestures, and showing the palms of your hands - the ultimate see, I have nothing to hide gesture - are silent signals of credibility and candor. Individ uals with open gestures are perceived more positively and are more persuasive than those with closed gestures. Hands hidden by crossing arms or held too close to the body make you look resistant or insecure.9. Gorajek Smile, but not too muchIf your ausprgung is neutral or too serious, you will come off as sad, uninterested or, worse yet, upset. If your message is positive, you should always add a smile to what youre saying so that you project good energy and keep the audience attracted to your message. Dont overdo it, though. The camera will give your smile a boost, and you dont want to be viewed as naive or inauthentic.10. GomanPay attention to prosodyVocal prosody is the nonverbal aspect of speech. Its concerned withhowyou say what you say. Youll be more compelling if vary your tone, volume, intensity, inflection, and rate of speech. Above all, avoid a monotone delivery that makes you sound stilted or bored. Remember, too, that theres nothing that kills credibility faster than let ting your voice rise of the end of a sentence. When making a declarative statement, be sure to use the authoritative arc in which your voice starts at one note, rises in pitch through the sentence, and drops back down at the end.Applying these hacks will help any executive, expert or entrepreneur leverage their credibility in a video presentation. Regardless of title or industry, we should all be mindful of how to project leadership presence on camera.Carol Kinsey Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D. is an international keynote speaker andleadership presence coach. Shes the author of Body Language for Leaders(her LinkedIn Learnings video course that has had over 2 1000000 views. For more information, visithttps// might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you c an make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Millions of views on YouTube wont even earn you enough to make rent

Millions of views on YouTube wont even earn you enough to make rentMillions of views on YouTube wont even earn you enough to make rentIf youre starting a YouTube channel, dont expect to get rich quickly - or at all. The world of video blogging may look easy and glamorous to outsiders watching polished videos of relatable makeup tutorials and funny animals, but its exhausting work. A new study found that even the most successful YouTube stars are elend earning enough to break even from views alone.Study Top YouTubers are only earning about$16,800 a yearThe odds of you making it as a full-time YouTube are low. Analyzing ten years of YouTube uploads and views, Mathias Brtl, an applied sciences professor in Germany, found that the overwhelming majority - 96.5% - will not generate enough money from advertising revenue to break past the U.S. poverty line, which is $12,140 for a single-person household. In fact, even the most successful YouTube stars are not earning millions from their m illions of views.In an analysis for Bloomberg News,Brtlcalculated that the top 3% of the most-viewed YouTube channels, which generate more than a million views a month, are only earning their owners about$16,800 a year. The famous performers on YouTube are likely earning more money through sponsorships and other deals.Children view YouTube as atop career choiceThese dispiriting numbers should be a reality check for the many hopeful dreaming of YouTube stardom. Right now, being a YouTube star is a top career ambition for children.One in three U.K. children said they wanted to be a full-time YouTuber, a number that eclipsed the number of children wanting to be doctors or pop stars.If you want to launch a YouTube channel, have fun. Just dont quit your day job right away. Popular YouTube vloggers have backed up Brtls research, disclosing their struggle to financially support themselves. In Get Rich or Die Vlogging, YouTuberGaby Dunn cautioned aspiring stars about the economics of intern et fame, noting that the humiliation of not making a living wage when fans believe youre famous can add an extra layer of silence.Aspiring vloggers may want to think about getting business degrees, because thats what being famous online is Its protecting your assets, budgeting, figuring out production costs, and rationing out money to employees- whether thats yourself or a camera crew, Dunn wrote. The numbers on your social media accounts may never match those in your bank account.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Job Searching During the Holidays 5 Things You Should Know

Job Searching During the Holidays 5 Things You Should KnowJob Searching During the Holidays 5 Things You Should KnowIf find a new job is on your list of New Years resolutions, youve probably abfluged, or are about to departure, more actively searching for a new role. Job searching during the holidays can be a tricky time to start a search for a new gig, but with a little forethought you might just be able to cross off that first resolution goal before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st.Heres what you need to know to stay successful if youre job searching during the holidays1. It could actually be a great time to start searching.While its true that the festive spirit and vacation days might slow things down a bit (more on that later), its also true that a lot of companies are hiring during this time period. With most year-end budgets closed out and new year budgets set, many companies know exactly how much they can afford to pay new hires, and they know where to fill in gaps left throughout the past year as well.Be sure to stay vigilant checking job boards so you dont miss a great opportunity. is a great place to start if youre looking for flexible work.2. Youll need to stay extra flexible.If youre going to start searching for a job during the holiday season, youll likely need to be flexible, perhaps even more so than normal. Wacky vacation days and offices that close for the holidays could mean that youre scheduled for interviews in the evenings or early mornings, or perhaps on a day that you have off yourself.If you really want that job, though, its best to just go with the flow and try to make yourself available whenever possible.3. The competition is limited.One other reason this might be a great time to do a little job searching is that probably not a lot of other people are. That means if theres a gem of a job available, theres a good shot you could score it. Of course that doesnt mean you should let your guard down when it comes to the interview and presentation process.Keep your resume polished and dont get too cocky- be confident in your skills and abilities and back that up with real-life data, and you could be bragging about your new gig come Christmas morning.4. Holiday events are a great way to keep an ear out for new gigs.You already know that networking is a great way to hear about new opportunities and to remain front and center in peoples minds when new things crop up, and the holidays are the perfect opportunity to do so. Consider all of those holiday parties youll be attending as great chances to hear about new jobs that you might not otherwise know about.Bring your game face to every holiday celebration this year- along with your hostess gift- and keep your ears wide open for any chatter that turns to open positions.5. If you score a gig, they might not want you to start for a whileor they could want you to start ASAP.Its hard to say whether a hiring company will want their new employees to get their feet wet at their job before the holiday season hits full tilt, or if theyll be happy to let them just wait until the new year to get started. You should be prepared for either option, though, and be ready and willing to go along with whatever your would-be new employer needs from you.The holidays might seem like a crazy time to start a job search with everything else thats going on, but really, your dream job could be right around the corner if youre prepared.Start Your Job Search

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Heres How to Stand Out as a Campus Recruit -The Muse

Heres How to Stand Out as a Campus Recruit -The MuseHeres How to Stand Out as a Campus RecruitIt might feel like you have a lot of time before you graduate from college, but trust us, its going to go really fast. Before you know it, youll be walking across the stage and moving your tassel from one side of your cap to the other.But before you don your cap and gown and make your family proud, were willing to bet youre thinking about how to secure your first post-grad job. We wont sugar coat it, getting that first job takes work. But theres a silver lining- you may not have to travel too far to begin your search. Many colleges offer opportunities for companies to recruit new hires and interns right on campus.No matter what, though, one fact still remains Therell be thousands of other college seniors looking for their first real-world gig, too. So you want to make sure you get noticed (and hired). Heres how to stand out as an on-campus recruit.1. Polish Your Resume and LinkedIn ProfileFi rst things first- you need to get your materials in order. Recruiters expect you to have both a resume and LinkedIn profile so if you dont have both (or either), prioritize putting those together.Dont know where to start? Here are some great resume templates and some tips on building a stellar LinkedIn profile.Make sure they both adequately represent your education and experience- including parte-time jobs, internships, and volunteer work- and are uncluttered and easy to read. Also, remember to spell check each thoroughly and have a clear, professional-looking photo for LinkedIn.Once you feel like youre in a good spot, dont be afraid to seek out feedback at your career center (most offer this service for free), or to ask your peers and mentors for their thoughts. Gathering the opinions of others before you send your resume out into the world can save you from wondering, Why didnt I get a response?2. Leverage Your Career CenterIf you havent set foot in your colleges career center yet , what are you waiting for? Career centers are a great, often untapped, resource. The career counselors there can answer your questions, review your resume, and connect you with the right people.So schedule an appointment, but come prepared. Start brainstorming a list of questions, like How do I find out when companies will be recruiting on campus? How do I schedule an interview with one of those companies?Then have an idea of what industry youre interested in, and bring your updated resume and cover letter with you to the meeting. The career counselors will not only be able to provide feedback, but direction on how to begin a successful job search.And dont feel self conscious about question overload- thats what theyre there for.3. Start to PrepareOnce youve become a familiar face in the career center, and with their help maybe even scheduled an interview or two, its time to get the prep work started. Make sure you arrive promptly, look professional, and do your homework. This advic e applies to video and remote interviews, too. Youll still want to look professional and be prompt, which means you need to test the video conferencing tool (Google Hangout, Skype, Zoom, etc.) beforehand to make sure it works and you know how to use it. Research the interviewer and the company on the company website and LinkedIn. Being informed will go a long way in making a good impression. And make sure youve got your own elevator pitch prepared. Think about what two or three sentences summarize who you are, what kind of job youre looking for, and why youd be a great hire. Some career centers even offer mock interviews, so make sure you take advantage of that before the big day.And remember, not everything during the interview needs to be job-related. You could spend part of the conversation chatting about the latest binge-worthy Netflix show, for example. The point is, youre making a personal connection thats more likely to leave a lasting impression. Plus, these fun little detai ls are great content for when you follow up (see 5).4. Ask Thoughtful QuestionsWhether you have an interview or youre just chatting with a company representative, make sure you spend time asking questions thatll help you better understand the organization and the people who work there. These types of questions help both sides figure out whether its a good match. Some examples of thoughtful questions areCan you tell me more about the companys mission?What does the company do to achieve its mission?What types of characteristics make a successful employee here?Whats a challenge the company faces?Whats your favorite part about working here?You might not have enough time to ask all of these questions. Campus recruiting events can be crowded and you wont control the interview agenda. So plattl the two that matter most to you and try to work those into the conversation.5. Send a Follow-UpThis is where you can really shine. Even if you make a good impression, youre still one in a crowd of m any. But repeated exposure will increase the likelihood of someone remembering you. A week after you meet someone, reach out via email or LinkedIn (or if they gave you a card, whatever method is listed there). Not everyone will respond, so try to follow up with as many people as you can, saying something likeHi Luke,We met at the INSERT COLLEGE on INSERT DATE. I hope youre having a great day and have had a chance to catch up on the latest episode of insert previously discussed Netflix show.I really enjoyed talking to you about INSERT COMPANY NAME. Id love to chat more about the company and your experience. Would you be willing to grab coffee or chat with me on the phone for 10 to 15 minutes sometime in the next few weeks? Let me know when you get a chance.Thanks,INSERT NAMEAnd if you want to reach out to someone who interviewed you, you can also try one of these follow up tactics.Bottom line If you want to stand out, you need to put in the work. But if you take advantage of your car eer center, attend on-campus recruiting events, and make a lasting impression, youll be adulting in no time.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Fight Against Dental Assistant Resume Examples

The Fight Against Dental Assistant Resume Examples The Appeal of Dental Assistant Resume Examples Many oral medical care professionals agree that tooth brushing ought to be done for at least two minutes, and be practiced at least two times per day. Additionally, pediatric dentistry assistants have to be in a position to undertake the very same duties as dental office assistants, including following and, in some instances, establishing infection control protocols to stop the transfer of infections from patient-to-staff or patient-to-patient. As a dental hygienist, you are going to be the very first line of defense in the struggle against cavities and tooth decay. The therapeutic methods work at the dental hygienists to market the behavioral changes on the patients as a way to control and protect against oral diseases. The Dental Assistant Resume Examples Pitfall Dental hygiene program admission requirements vary based upon the particular school. Finally, surgical technologis ts offer assistance in operating rooms and demand a certificate also. Dental hygienists do not have to look for certification as theyre expected to hold a license from the State so as to practice. They must also be licensed in their states, although the requirements for certification and licensure can vary from state to state. The Battle Over Dental Assistant Resume Examples and How to Win It An associates degree within the field is easily the most usual career path, and licensing is necessary in some states. A very effective assistant knows where he or shes going and works to create that happen. A few of the downfalls to practicing in various provinces are different regulations. When you get a dental hygienist position open in your organization, your aim is to fill it with top talent as speedily as possible. Occupational Challenges As a dental hygienist, youre going to be faced with numerous challenges in your working atmosphere. You should start planning early with the fina ncial aid office to fulfill your educational objectives and requirements. The career outlook for dental hygienist appears to be rather positive. You must accurately describe the skills you have if youd like to have a job. As you think of your abilities and search for opportunities, you must be open minded about the jobs you are considering. Communication skills are required for each job. How to Find Dental Assistant Resume Examples on the Web With the above mentioned samples of objectives for the social worker position readily available to utilize in crafting yours, you will certainly have the ability to think of an extremely effective one for your resume. On any one you observe, you shouldnt locate an objective thats too vague. You may also mention specific dental procedures youve special experience with.2. Everyone values accuracy and competence, regardless of what job youre applying for. If you would like to additional advance in your selected career path, by becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) for instance, you can finish a huge portion of the essential education online. Including your professional memberships in their very own section is a great way to showcase experiences that werent connected to your education.5. You can look for accredited programs in the USA or Canada on the American Dental Association site. Students seeking a web-based option can make the most of Colgates Oral Health Network, which provides free of dienstgrad live webinars. The One Thing to Do for Dental Assistant Resume Examples Accreditation If youre searching for a dental hygiene school, it is essential that you search for an accredited degree program. The Program Graduate Competencies listed below identify the significant learning goals linked to your precise program of study and establish the knowledge and skills youll have when you graduate to be prosperous in your favorite field. Since it is designed for dental hygienists who are already working, youll find that some schools offer their curriculum completely online or in a hybrid format. The Characteristics of Dental Assistant Resume Examples Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. Its stress-free, not risk-free While there are lots of wonderful advantages to studying online, you want to be careful to prevent any pitfalls. A dental assistant resume sample provides you a brief idea regarding the several things that produce your resume different from your competition. Are you planning to compose a resume for medical assistantwondering what makes a superb ma resumehere are a few of the essential matters that you should think about before you submit your resume. Theres presently a fantastic demand for dental hygienists. In order to totally learn to become a dental hygienist, you are going to need to think about which ones provide flexible schedules, affordable tuition and respected professors. The hygienist will work to your dental team to supply you with the care thats tailored to your requirements. A dental hygienist doesnt need to get employed by means of a dentist but have the potential to independently assess patients and create treatment plans in their sortiment of practice whilst working locally. He or she provides preventative oral care under a dentists supervision. A superior dental hygienist has to multitask throughout the whole moment.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Simple Tip About How to Do a Research Paper Outline Revealed

A Simple Tip About How to Do a Research Paper Outline Revealed What Does How to Do a Research Paper Outline Mean? Correct all errors you may spot and enhance the general grade of the paper to the best of your ability. After all, you might have the very best paper in the planet, but if your instructor is perpetually distracted by spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors, youre most likely not going to get the grade you want. The length and detail of your background will also be based on the level to which you have to demonstrate your comprehension of the topic. If you think you are prepared to go ahead, simply put in your subject and topic, the period of the paper you have to have in words or pages, the deadline and the academic level youre studying at. What How to Do a Research Paper Outline Is - and What it Is Not On the architecture, the paper employs a U-Net that I initially had no clue about understanding and implementing that had me referring to several scripts foun d on the world wide web. For example, you may have used an entirely new method Your introduction differs from your background in many of means. To be able to think of higher quality Spanish customized research papers, students are supposed to first understand the questions which are guiding. In case the processing power of computer grow, then it may become possible for practically any system having such high computing ability to break the public key cryptography. Definitions of How to Do a Research Paper Outline A thesis is an enormous undertaking that needs you to have a strong idea of the subject issue. In a brief paper, a thesis meinung should be found at the close of the intro paragraph. Exactly like a thesis statement, a purpose statement can be found at the close of the intro paragraph, or may choose the kind of a different paragraph in sizeable papers, including dissertations etc.. A superb thesis statement expresses your take or opinion along with your conclusion abo ut this issue. Linking everything back to the literature and the way it is all connected via the framework will help you produce a sound, well-researched thesis. Employing an outline lets you put all your research in order and make a simplified version of what is going to be in your research paper. The format was developed by the American Psychological Association, which is the reason why it is perfectly ideal for your purposes. You may also benefit by having another set of fresh eyes, somebody who has not seen the paper before. In the event the paper has been useful to you the last point to do is to speak about it with another person. Since each one of the information thats going to go in your paper is in front of you, you will have the ability to write it in almost no time. Moreover, you ought to keep your background focused but balanced enough so that its pertinent to a broader audience. It is possible to discover a lot of credible secondary and primary sources of evide nce on the topic of your paper, if you select your topic wisely. First off, you have to select your topic wisely. Some researches discuss an overall topic while some are managing something specific. The ideal topic is the one which is fastest and simplest to write about. How to Do a Research Paper Outline Features Ideas at the start and the end frame what must be said. Outlines can be immensely valuable or they are sometimes a total waste of time based on your circumstances. Actually, cleaning up the 3 leading sections of an essay or a term paper could possibly be absolutely the most difficult undertaking of all. If youre searching for assistance with research paper, youve come to the perfect spot. Also lots of the internet custom made research companies have a revision coverage. You might not be in a position to determine respectable research paper writing companies since most of them look and feel the exact same. A fantastic research paper help company has a fantastic reputation for providing its customers with good excellent research paper example help for cheap. Introducing How to Do a Research Paper Outline You dont need to be concerned about outline if you get a research paper. Brainstorm what you wish to include in the paper. After all, it is known as a research paper. It can be quite daunting writing your very first research paper even the paper outline can appear impossible. The Pain of How to Do a Research Paper Outline Think about the points that you would like to cover and will need to rckendeckung your research. Research Papers have come to be an essential part of all graduate and postgraduate class. If your topic is too obvious then it is fairly possible your research paper may not appeal to the authorities since it will resemble an overall overview. You need to try to decide on a topic for your research subject based on the instructions of your professor. The Hidden Truth on How to Do a Research Paper Outline An informat ive paper simply provides the simple info about the matter. Possessing a comprehensive outline will help you to get a better hang of your topic and get started writing the very first draft. Organize your notes how to phd Organize all of the info youve gathered depending on your outline. Know when an outline is a requirement and once it can be skipped. New Questions About How to Do a Research Paper Outline Creating an outline of your primary thoughts and secondary points can help you keep coherent. Make it simple to comprehend. The subsequent three secrets will make sure youre prepared when youre faced with an impending paper deadline. Writing a research paper has come to be among the most important elements of contemporary techniques of education and is also the one which provides the students most amount of stress. If youre newer to the area, a more experienced practitioner might be able to flag any concerns they have with the work which you might otherwise have missed to o. Even though the discussion section may create new gaps in the area of study, its the place to create sense of the whole research undertaking. Most students arent aware that topic selection has a huge effect on the complete time it requires to compose a paper.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Relativity Gives Back

Relativity Gives Back Below is part of an article originally written by Tatum Hunter at Built In Chicago, and published on September 3, 2019. This part of the article is about PowerToFly Partner Relativity. Go to Relativitys page on PowerToFly to see their open positions and learn mora.Relativity awarded $250K to Sandoval Elementary. Sandoval is a dual-language school that serves 900 students in Chicagos Gage Park neighborhood. The Wired to Learn grant, awarded over three years, will go toward new technologies, school labs and teacher training. Previous recipients of Relativitys educational grants have reported better attendance, test scores and student engagement. Press Release One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... a nd the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If someone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 million construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel Innovation/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard Business Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Giv en the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive neuerung and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are i ncreasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 and $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentation technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (f igurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the construction industry.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

TED Talk What Is YOUR Definition of Success

TED Talk What Is YOUR Definition of SuccessTED Talk What Is YOUR Definition of Success12In a July 2009 TED Talk called A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success, Alain de Botton suggests that these ideas of success and failure are assumed by some underlying judgments that do not paint a complete picture and cause undue anxiety about ur careers. de Botton feels that we cannot be successful at everything and that any definition of success has to take into account what we are giving up to be successful.A writer and modern day philosopher, de Botton discusses these judgments in more detail. His witty and well-spoken delivery refers to how snobbery, envy, equality, and a sense of meritocracy all cause unnecessary career crises. He feels that while we lament the materialistic nature of our world, we are, in fact, more motivated by emotional rewards. In other words, when we display the material evidence of our success in life, it is because we are seeking the acceptance that others give us as a result.As we talk about work-life balance, which de Botton calls nonsense, its important to be clear on what that means. Someone who strives for work-life balance should be cognizant of the fact that it doesnt mean you will be able to do everything. As a mother of two, I have a full-time, remote location, flexible schedule job. I still have to make choices, and my family understands that my awesome professional situation does not mean I am available for every field trip, lunch, and activity that comes up. I am able to choose the things that are most important to us and can adjust my schedule around those events the vast majority of the time.No my friends, we cant have it all. But we can each define a personal sense of what makes us a success in our careers and in our lives. Work flexibility provides the opportunities for each of us to achieve our own work-life balance and find our own definition of success.Readers, whats your definition of success? How do you answer the question, What do you do for a living?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

What to Do When You Keep Getting Job Rejection Email Notices

What to Do When You Keep Getting Job Rejection Email NoticesWhat to Do When You Keep Getting Job Rejection Email NoticesPinYou check your inbox and your stomach immediately drops into your shoes. There it is- another job rejection email for a job that you knew you were a great fit for.Whats the deal? you think to yourself as you begin to type out that mandatory polite and professional reply. You feel like youre doing everything right- so, why are you on the receiving end of so many of those awful thanks, but no thanks messages?Job rejection can be brutal, and its easy to instantly point those fingers at those no-good employers who obviously cant recognize an excellent candidate when youre right in front of their eyes.However, after facing a series of letdowns, its smarter to turn the spotlight on yourself and see if there really are some areas that you could improve in your job search. What exactly should you take a magnifying glass to?Heres what to do when you keep getting job rejec tion email notices1. Review your resume.The first thing you should do is to turn a discerning eye to your resume and ask yourself one key question did you tailor it to that specific job description?If your answer is no thats one big thing you need to start doing differently in your job search. As tempting and convenient as it might be to blanket the whole world in one generic resume, that wont help you get your foot in the door.For the next positions you apply to, comb through the job description to pull out keywords, core responsibilities, and elements of that companys culture. That way you can weave those into your own resume and titelblatt letter- and, thus, make a far better impression on the hiring manager.Did youtailor your resume and still receive a heart-wrenching rejection? Its still a wise idea to match up your resume against the job description once more. Is there anything else you couldve done to make yourself stand out as a seamless fit for that role? If so, jot those n otes down and keep them safe somewhere- theyll help you as you continue through your search.2. Look for typos.Perhaps youre confident that the content of your documents is perfectly polished. But, that doesnt mean a pesky typo or error didnt sneak in somewhere.For that reason, take some time and carefully read through your resume and titel letter to ensure you havent been including a cringe-worthy mistake (theres nothing worse than spelling detail-oriented as detail-oreinted) with your application.It seems like a minor thing- and, in many cases, it is. However, it speaks volumes about your own care and consideration as a professional. In fact, 20% of hiring managers would toss out a resume after spotting a single error, and 28% said that two typos would surely be the end of you.Needless to say, making sure that your document is mistake-free is crucial for getting to the next step in the process.TIP Review your resume and cover letter from bottom to top. Reading in this unnatural ord er forces your brain to focus on each individual sentence, making you that much more likely to catch and fix any errors that you previously let slide.3. Assess your qualifications.Its time to be honest with yourself. Reflect on the last several jobs that you were rejected for. Were you qualified? Did you check off the majority of what those employers were searching for? Or, were all of those jobs a bit of a reach for your skills and level of experience?Theres nothing wrong with challenging yourself and aiming to take the next step on that proverbial ladder. However, if youve been receiving rejection after rejection, it might be time to adjust your expectations just a little bit.After all, if the majority of the jobs youre applying for require at least 10 years of experience and you only have four, you could very well just be setting yourself up for failure.4. Ask for feedback.If youre like most people, youre tempted with one reaction when you receive that dreaded rejection email del ete it immediately, try your best to pretend the whole thing never happened, and then drown your sorrows in the beverage or ice cream of your choice.Thats natural- rejection hurts. But, even so, a much smarter strategy is to swallow your pride, thank that hiring manager for the experience, and then ask if he or she could provide any feedback to help you improve moving forward.This can be difficult and humbling. However, it can also be incredibly enlightening. Being able to get some valuable insights from the other side of the hiring process isnt something you get to do all that often. And, when you do? It can open your eyes to certain things that you may have never considered before.So, dont hesitate to ask for constructive criticism following a job rejection. If nothing else, youll demonstrate that youre a professional whos interested in continuing to grow and develop.Nobody enjoys rejection. But, when youre job searching, its bound to happen. Rather than pointing the finger at the employers who continue turning you down, take some time to reflect on how you could be contributing to the situation. Doing so will empower you with the information you need to improve- and, ultimately, land a jobKnow someone looking for a job? Refer a friend to with this link- youll get a month free service and theyll get 30% off

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Technology Navigating Turbulent Times Ahead

Technology Navigating Turbulent Times Ahead Technology Navigating Turbulent Times Ahead Technology: Navigating Turbulent Times Ahead by Dr. Pallant Ramsundar, Assistant Professor, University of Trinidad and Tobago Technology development has historically resulted in upheavals in human society. Civilizations with more sophisticated weaponry and better tactics inevitably dominate their less capable adversaries. Since the industrial revolution, in which large amounts of power were harnessed from coal fired steam engines, the pace of technological change has been steadily growing. In modern times the introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970s heralded a rate of technological change unprecedented in history, resulting in product obsolescence in ever shortening timeframes. Developments in the fields of nanotechnology and biotechnology in the 1980s further fueled opportunities for product innovation. In this chaotic environment, the determination of which technology to embrace is crucial for company survival. Many helpful articles and books have been written on strategies for success, but making the right choice is elusive and promises to remain so. There are three characteristics of technology d evelopment that can help practitioners and decision makers understand the nature of technological change, and prepare them to navigate the future. These functions are Speed, Miniaturization and Product Intelligence. Speed Speed has long been recognized as an underlying factor in development, through its link to productivity. Increased productivity brings down product cost, thus enabling wider product dispersion and improved quality of life. Product speeds increase as technology improves and in instances where speed is restricted as for example by regulation, improvement has continued along the lines of increasing efficiency. A typical example of the last case is the automobile industry, where the permitted top speed for the mass market has been unchanged since the 1950s, and developments have shifted to areas such as safety, cost and fuel efficiency. The introduction of the microprocessor has dramatically increased the rate of speed improvement to products and processes. Nowhere is this more indicative than in the computing industry. The Intel 4004 microprocessor launched in 1971 achieved a clock speed of 740 kHz. By 2012, clock speeds of up to 3.8 GHz were achieved for the Intel i5, a more than five hundred thousand percent increase. In the communications arena, the 1G wireless data transmission rate in 1981 was 1200 bit/s. Current 4G Mobile WiMax has a download speed of 144 Mbit/s, which is one hundred and twenty times faster. No doubt, the high infrastructure cost for wireless communication is a deterrent to faster growth in commercial transmission speeds. Though the computing industry has produced spectacular improvements in performance, the push to extend boundaries exists for every industry and enterprise. High speed metal cutting machines developed in the last decades of the nineteenth century increased cutting speeds five to ten times that of conventional machines, while service companies like banks have reduced waiting time on some transactions from hours to a few keystrokes. Miniaturization Another factor in technology development that often acts in tandem with speed is miniaturization. Size reduction in a system yields benefits of reduced material consumption, reduced manufacturing costs, better portability and general improvements in efficiency and cost reduction. These are all desirable factors in product competitiveness. The clock speed improvement in microprocessors indicated previously, was possible because chip feature separation shrunk by a factor of more than three hundred, from 20 microns to 64 nanometers, enabling more compact structures. On a larger scale, weight reductions in aircraft systems have over the years, boosted payload capacity, range and fuel efficiency. Miniaturization is closely related to precision in that smaller products require working in shorter distances. Thus, a convenient benefit of miniaturization is higher accuracies and tighter tolerances, which contribute to improved quality. Nanotechnology and biotechnology have only just begun to make an impact on miniaturization, and beyond this region lies molecular and atomic scale manipulation. Product Intelligence One particular measure that warrants special mention is that of product intelligence. Automation has long been recognized as a vehicle for improving productivity and accuracy. In essence, what automation does is enable systems to carry out complex tasks automatically. Developments in the computer industry have revolutionized this field, so that programmable systems offer much higher degrees of complexity and flexibility than mechanical or other systems. Microelectronics has made it possible to shrink sensors and data processors to the extent that capabilities and features can now be unobtrusively incorporated into products. Increasing product intelligence is typified by the mobile phone which progressed from being a wireless voice device to one that can additionally serve as a media player, high definition camera, GPS device and internet interface. The automobile is another good example where product intelligence has been a factor in improving fuel efficiency and providing added safe ty with features such as electronic braking, stability control, air bags and collision warning systems. This subject of product intelligence brings out an interesting perspective on the KIS (Keep it simple) principle. By simplifying components and processes KIS has traditionally yielded manufacturing and assembly cost savings as well as reliability improvements. Product intelligence however, is geared to simplifying the human interface, which requires product sophistication and complexity. The application of the KIS principle is still valuable in optimizing product construction, but the objective to make a more capable product must take precedence if businesses are to remain competitive. Developing a winning strategy There are many factors that determine the success of a product in the marketplace, and this includes all aspects of the business. With comparable business models, the product which provides the best interface experience for the user has the competitive advantage. Although specific technologies change over time, their impact is to create products that are more capable. The key then is to use available technology to advance product capability, but to be prepared to migrate to new technology that brings about superior improvements in speed, miniaturization or improved product intelligence. By keeping track of these three factors, practitioners and decision makers can not only ensure survivability of their business, but may be able to outfox the competition. About the author: Dr. Pallant Ramsundar, an Assistant Professor at the University of Trinidad and Tobago, has been practicing in the field of manufacturing for the last thirty-six years and is a lecturer in Product Design and Development.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

56% of employees take a lunch break of 30 minutes or less

56% of employees take a lunch break of 30 minutes or less 56% of employees take a lunch break of 30 minutes or less While research has found that more than half of Americans say that they can’t go on a lunch break,  new data from staffing firm OfficeTeam shows that  56% of American workers have a lunch break of 30 minutes or less and 52% of American employees spend it on the internet.An independent research firm surveyed more than 2,800 adult office workers “in 28 major U.S. cities.”  Here’s how long people take for lunchHere are the averages: “0-10 minutes:” 7% “11-20 minutes:” 8% “21-30 minutes:” 41% “31-40 minutes:” 4% “41-50 minutes:” 10% “51-60 minutes:” 27% “More than 60 minutes:” 3% While most people say that they take a lunch break between an average of 21 and 30 minutes, the next most popular amount of time was an average of between 51 minutes and one hour at 27%. Just three percent say of workers say they take lunch for an average of more than an hour.“Certainly, there are times when work is extremely busy and going out for a lunch break isn’t feasible, but you should always strive to take one because skipping a midday break could lead to lowered productivity, especially as the day progresses,” Brandi Britton, district president for OfficeTeam, told Ladders.What people do â€" other than eat â€" during lunchtimeHere’s the breakdown - people had the option to choose multiple answers: “Surf the web/social media:” 52% “Catch up on personal calls/emails:” 51% “Socialize with coworkers:” 47% “Run errands:” 32% “Read:” 32% “Exercise/take a walk:” 30% “Work:” 29% Men were more likely to “socialize with” their colleagues at 51%, compared to 44% of women. But while 54% of people ages 18 to 34 said they do this, 47% of those 35 to 54 said they do, and 34% of those ages 55 and old said they do.The cities with the lengthiest lunch breaks are San Francisco (#1), Los Angeles (#2) and Miami (#3). The states with the shortest ones are Salt Lake City (#1), Des Moines (#2) and Cincinnati (#3).  In terms of which workers work out or go on a walk the most during lunch, those in San Francisco, Chicago, and Cincinnati do so most.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Finding and Keeping Best-Fit Retail Jobs

Finding and Keeping Best-Fit Retail Jobs Finding and Keeping Best-Fit Retail Jobs According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, as of June 2019, there were 5.8 million people employed in the U.S. retail sector. Many of them were looking to create a rewarding retail career path that included one or several best-fit retail jobs. Those looking to make a career in retail must be customer-focused and derive satisfaction from helping others acquire things they need or want. If that doesnt sound like you, you should probably consider a different career choice. If it does sound like you, you should focus on finding and growing in a series of retail jobs that fit your individual interests, values, and life outlook. In the short term, it might seem more important to select a job based mostly on compensation or on which store is offering the biggest employee discount- and that discount is a nice perk of retail jobs. But over the long haul, many workers are chronically dissatisfied until they land a job that provides them with personal fulfillment- one that is the best fit for them. Evaluating Yourself and Potential Employers The first step in finding a best-fit job is to think about what motivates you, makes you happy, and holds your interest. Think about your values and goals in life. Then start matching the priorities youve established with those of retailers that have a presence where you live. One place to identify retailers that offer good entry-level jobs and opportunities to advance and that stay true to their stated company values and purposes is the list of the 20 Best Workplaces in Retail compiled by Fortune and Great Place to Work. The 2018 iteration of this annual list is based on anonymous surveys of over 631,000 U.S. retail employees. Each survey consisted of more than 60 questions aimed at quantifying employees experiences of trust and reaching their full potential as part of their company, regardless of job title. Great Place to Work also considered employees̢۪ opinions on company innovation and the effectiveness of their leaders. Another way to identify potential employers is by reading retailers websites to see what they say about the businesses ethics and goals. Sometimes, of course, these statements are only feel-good words that dont reflect the day-to-day reality of employment at the company. But theyre a decent starting point to determine whether, at the very least, an organizations stated priorities align with yours. Landing the Job Once youve settled on a few potential employers, look on the jobs page of the companies website or ask in person to find out whether theyre hiring. Its often helpful to have had previous retail experience when applying for a retail job, but businesses know everyone has to start somewhere. Your ability to demonstrate enthusiasm for the job and the references of trusted people who can vouch for your potential in the retail sector can make up for a lack of experience. Write a great cover letter and resume that are directed at the specific job youre applying for. Learn as much as you can about the company so you will be well prepared for your interview and you will have intelligent questions to ask. You should also practice answering the most commonly asked interview questions for retail jobs. During interviews with an HR representative and the hiring manager- or perhaps only with the owner of the store, if its a small business- conduct yourself professionally but show your eagerness for the job. Play up any experience you have exceeding customer expectations and make it clear your No. 1 goal is to help patrons. Before accepting a job offer, consider whether the position is truly the best fit for you. Think about the priorities you set at the beginning of the job search process and honestly evaluate whether the job and the employer jibe with them. If they do, take the job. If not- and you are able to hold out for something better- turn it down. Keeping the Job Once youve gotten your best-fit retail job, the winning-est strategy for holding on to it is to do your best work every day. If the organization is truly interested in promoting the hardest and most capable workers, your contributions will be noticed and you will be rewarded. If you go above and beyond what your job description requires, the company will want to retain you and offer you even greater challenges. Your employment will be as secure as you can possibly make it in the ever-changing retail world. Creating Your Retail Career Path Regardless of how well you perform, your career is unlikely to go straight up one companys ladder. If you feel stuck or are finding it hard to be motivated in your current job, its probably time to look elsewhere. Go back to your list of priorities and research opportunities for your next best-fit retail job- one that will keep you on your best-fit retail career path.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My Journey to the C-Suite as a Millennial Executive

My Journey to the C-Suite as a Millennial Executive My Journey to the C-Suite as a Millennial Executive If I had to summarize my career in one word, it would be exhilarating. Over the course of 13 years, Ive had opportunities to mentor aspiring leaders, establish overseas operations, and run the global sales organization for the one company Ive been working for since graduating college. I started my career at global recruitment technology provider Bullhorn as an entry-level sales representative after I graduated from Babson College in 2005. At the time, Bullhorn was a fledgling startup poised to achieve some incredible milestones. I was thrilled to play a role in influencing the companys future. After receiving the opportunity to help Bullhorn expand its international operations at just 27 years old, I was lucky enough to find myself on an accelerated career trajectory that brought my wife and I to London - and eventually returned us to the US as a family of four. While spending six years in London, I not only helped Bullhorn increase its European and Asia-Pacific user bases, but also opened numerous offices across mainland Europe and Australia. The most exciting part of my journey has been working with an outstanding team. So many of the emerging leaders with whom I originally worked when I arrived in London are now running their own sales teams at Bullhorn, and it has been amazing to mentor them and watch them succeed. As the economy constantly changes, leaders must be willing to embrace ambiguity and thrive in the unknown. For the next generation of leaders looking to accelerate their career journeys, here is my advice: Ditch the Traditional Five-Year Plan My father always told me to have a master five-year plan - which wasnt bad advice, of course - but I resisted it. I never wanted to architect too far into the future because I wanted to live in the present. Instead, I looked  1-2 years into the future and developed my goals around that timeline. Why? Because the technology landscape changes incredibly fast, so goals that we set one year might not be relevant the next year.  This also means  my job will be different each year. Varying market demands and shifts will warrant new solutions to old problems. Therefore, my strategic vision has long focused on the opportunities and challenges in front of me at the moment. As a leader of tomorrow, you need to embrace change today. That will help create longevity in your career. Focus on what is in front of you and let those moments mold your goals. Youll become extremely versatile. Dont Overthink Whats Right in Front of You When I interviewed for jobs after college, I envisioned working at a financial services company. With a business management degree, I thought it made the most sense to work in that sector. But something didnt seem right to me when I interviewed with companies in this field. I never found what I was looking for in a career: an agile workplace. Instead of opting for well-established companies, I decided to place a bet on startup life. I figured the pace of that environment would allow to me flourish the most. When Bullhorn asked me to move to London, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. The benefits of opening and leading a new office in a new location certainly outweighed the risks of moving out of the country for the first time. If the opportunity didnt work out for unforeseen reasons, I knew that I could always return home. In order to grow your career, you must seize opportunities that are right in front of you. Dont overthink the outcomes or setbacks. Be bold, take charge, and grow. Its the only way to learn faster and further develop your skills. Speak Their Language At the executive level, Im participating in strategic conversations about business operations and growth, and I need to position that information as  effectively as possible to my team. The majority of our 160-person sales team is comprised of millennial employees like myself, which means I need to translate our business vision into results my team understands. In other words, I need to speak their language. As were expanding and deepening our business strategies, I need to communicate with my leaders about how I see us executing those strategies based on feedback from my team.  At the same time, I need to discuss with my team why those strategies are right for the business. Understanding the why and the what of your companys objectives is important for your success because it enables you to work toward shared goals. If you can decipher information and understand the big picture of how you and your team can make the most impact in your business, then youll position yourself as a valuable employee. The more valuable you are, the more chances you have to flourish. - Creating a rewarding and meaningful career is one of the most exciting accomplishments you can achieve. It is a journey that you own, define, and shape, one where you can challenge yourself every day, overcome obstacles, and relish the opportunities that will keep you  moving toward the next chapter. You may even find that you, too, can define your career as exhilarating. Mike Restivo is the chief revenue officer for Bullhorn.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Basics of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans

The Basics of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans The Basics of Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Plans As a healthcare consumer, youve no doubt heard the term HMO before. In fact, this is the most popular of all health care plan models in the market. Where do HMOs come from? Heres some history on this type of employee benefit. In 1973, The Health Maintenance Organization Act amended the previous Public Health Service Act of 1944 and effectively transformed the way health benefits were to be managed in America and around the world. An Overview of HMO Plans An HMO is not really that complex. Under current US legal code, an HMO is defined as a public or private entity that meets both of the following requirements: provides basic and supplemental health services to its membersis organized and operated in a state-approved manner Therefore, an HMO is an organization that has the sole purpose of providing equal access to health care services in exchange for members agreeing to certain terms. In most cases, this is an agreement to remain within a covered network of providers who have pre-negotiated for lower cost services, while still retaining the quality of care. These providers must meet high standards in order to join the network, and they must maintain excellent care ratings, so its a win-win for consumers. In many cases, the HMO supports preventative wellness care, which is what health care providers advocate for. This works well with corporate wellness programs and recommended routine medical care for certain demographics of the population. All HMOs undergo close scrutiny by many government organizations, including each State Department of Health in which they operate. HMOs came under fire in the late 1990s when it was discovered plan members were not getting the timely response and care they deserved. Since then, HMO management has improved thanks to electronic data management which streamlines data management and enrollment processes. The Benefits of HMO Plans HMOs are still one of the more popular health management options that employers offer, for a number of reasons. They are relatively easy to manage because of flat rate premiums for plan member types.Claims are less worrisome for plan members because they know how much their portion is, including office co-pays.HMOs are often cheaper health care plans for employers and members over the life of the plans.The quality of the doctors and health care centers are carefully monitored to the highest of standards, so plan members know they are getting the best possible care.An HMO approval process controls expensive medical claims before they take place, and this also protects consumers from fraud. Trends in the Health Care Market About HMO Use According to the experts in health care, the trend away from traditional fee-for-service health care plans has been steady over the last two decades. The  US Department of Labor advises that fee-for-service plans accounted for 96 percent of health care plans offered by medium and large public employers in 1984 and 20 years later they account for less than 15 percent of employer-provided health insurance.  Managed health care policies continue to replace former cash-for-service health programs. Many companies offer at least three-tier employee benefits plans, with one or more as part of an HMO network. It is a cost-effective way of managing health care insurance and maintaining the quality of care. HMOs, continue to be a strong proponent of care in the health insurance market today.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Job search checklist

Job search checklist Job search checklist Each job hunt is unique, but include  key activities for a successful job search. Plan your own personalized job search with at least some of the following activities: Get help launching your job search Find and contact your local American Job Center to talk to a counselor and find out what specific resources might be available to help in your search. Attend support groups and job clubs in your area. Attend job search training sessions or related training. Explore various career options Set up informational interviews to learn about different careers. See which other occupations would use your current skills and experience. Learn about new industries: read blogs and professional journals, look up professional associations online. Search for available jobs Practice networking, online and in person, to find out about available jobs. Attend job  fairs to meet employers. Visit CareerOneStop's Job Finder to search job listings across the United States.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Biological Clocks Dont Stop for Recession

Biological Clocks Don't Stop for Recession Biological Clocks Don't Stop for Recession When Marco got laid off in January, friends who knew of our family-launching plans asked us whether wed continue or put things on hold. I just turned 40. Marco is seven years older than me. Our biological clocks are not in sync with the dipping of the Dow.Sure, it occurred to us for half a second that this might not be the wisest time to be spending my grandmothers inheritance on fertility treatments not covered by health insurance, but its expensive to adopt, too. And we really, really want a child.An extreme optimistor pragmatistmight argue that theres no time like a recession to get knocked up. You spend the first four months nauseous, hence eating less: money saved! Girlfriends give you their hand-me-down maternity clothes, your hips expand; hence, shopping impulse curbed! You dont have energy to go out at night, so restaurants and movies become less manageable: more money saved! Of course, all this is conjecture. Im not thereyet.Instead, I live in a state of limbo fueled by hope , longing, and our intense desire.The hardest part, I find, is trying to relax and stay calm instructions that are difficult to follow when your laid-off husband is sticking a two-inch needle in your black-and-blue behind every day, the markets are tanking, and your hormones are running wild. I try to remind myself that stressed out couples have had babies in worse times than these. Think of all the babies born in Europe during World War II! my mother says, trying to cheer me up.When my parents had me back in 1969, they earned $400 and spent $115 of it on rent. My mothers words of encouragement pour in weekly over the phone: You cant stop.The economy will change.Its not going to be like this forever. You have to be optimistic about it. You have to pursue your dreams.Having gone through rounds of fertility treatment herself, the woman learned a thing or two.And its true.You cant give up all your dreams just because the economy is rotten. Marco and I are even going forward with plans to find a little more space and move. As we wandered Brooklyn open houses the other weekend, imagining the kids room and checking the front hallways of buildings for room to hang a stroller, we felt giddy. It didnt seem to matter that on every block a half-built building stood suspended mid-construction. We figured those bulldozers would be active again within a year.In racing, they say that your car goes where your eyes go. My mother reads me this passage from a book shes reading, about a race car driver and his dog, called The Art of Racing in the Rain. She sends the rest via email: The driver who cannot tear his eyes away from the wall as he spins out of control will meet that wall; the driver who looks down the track as he feels his tires break free will regain control of his vehicle. Your car goes where your eyes go. Simply another way of saying that which you manifest is before you.That which you manifest is before you.Im trying to make that my new mantra. This morning, when Marco approached me with the hypo filled with my daily dose of progesterone, I found myself daydreaming about pushing a stroller in Park Slope,forgetting about the Dow,and riffing on the lyrics of that noxious Britney song: Stick me baby, one more time.Posted by Deborah Siegel, RecessionWire.comScrewed: 20,000 at TycoRecession Briefing 3.5Supermarket Shopping, Recession-style

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How work teams can stay on track when multiple people are out sick

How work teams can stay on track when multiple people are out sick How work teams can stay on track when multiple people are out sick Sometimes, you can’t help but get sick during flu season. Yes, you’ve been diligent about staying healthy.  Yes, you’ve been washing your hands even more frequently than usual to ward off coworkers’ maladies during this season. And yes, you’ve gotten your trusty flu shot- even if it doesn’t magically eradicate all chances of you catching the illness.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The War Against Resume for High School Graduate

The War Against Resume for High School Graduate Different job postings will have different keywords and phrases, different job duties listed, etc. Resumes give potential employers a means to learn about applicants quickly and readily, and they're your very first step toward new job opportunities. Resume for High School Graduate Features However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. On the flip side, perhaps you have little in the manner of paid job experience but lots of volunteer work on your CV. When it is high, it's a fantastic way to catch the eye of a hiring manager. It could be inviting to embellish your resume, and you will possibly get the job, but when all is said and done, it is going to come back to bite you once you can't deliver on your promises. Since you likely don't have a good deal of Work Experience, you can include your Achievements as an individual section. High School Resume templates are a fantastic reso urce for such students. You might also see Resume Objectives. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular intent. Up in Arms About Resume for High School Graduate? Especially for a first resume, utilizing a template is an excellent idea. Resume examples and templates are really helpful, especially when you're writing one of your very first resumes. Think of what you are going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. Templates may be used for making CV, resume as a way to apply for jobs. If you are inclined to make certain you don't have any errors on your homework assignments, you might feel comfortable listing on your resume that you're detail oriented. Your contact information should always go at the very top of your resume, so that employers can readily find it. Try to remember that recruiters may see the name of the file that you send them and also try to remember they get a lot of resumes each day. The Chronicles of Res ume for High School Graduate Concentrate on highlighting relevant coursework to the job you're applying for. It has to likewise be able to cite the main reason why of your skills for the job you are going to be targeting. A candidate can schedule their own exams at a nearby testing center. Preparing to compose the resume is much like brainstorming before you start your college application essays. It's possible that you compose a superb cover letter by doing the next. An excellent cover letter is vital to your task search. The resume cover letter ought to be ideal. To work with you craft the best cover letter, we're likely to supplying you with a couple illustrations to examine. A community high school guidance counselor or local college counselor may also have the ability to suggest schools which take students just like you. You high school guidance office might also have resources on how best to compose a high school resume. High school students may require a resume to submit an application for work or as an element of a university application. Most high school students have a tendency to submit an application for a food services position. Sometimes it can help to talk to someone else about what might stick out among your activities or superior school experiences. Conclusion If you're a high school student seeking to land a part-time job which brings you extra income and assists you build some skills that might become important to your career in future, you must present a compelling resume to prospective employers to increase your odds of being picked for the job. Candidates who've been out of high school for quite a long time may have to devote several months preparing. For students that are new to the work market, interests and activities are a very good means to show employers you have skills they are searching for.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Pain of Surgical Tech Resume

The Pain of Surgical Tech Resume In such situations, it's important that resume objectives hold the information required by hiring managers specifically. Without the certification, it is going to be mission impossible to find the job. Hands-on skills can't be learned online, and based on which state you reside in, only the theoretical portion of your education can be done online or none whatsoever. When it has to do with the job interviewing process, don't neglect to say Thank you. The Ultimate Surgical Tech Resume Trick The straightforward truth of the issue is that your customer might just neglect to pay your invoice. Briefly stress in one or two sentences why you feel you're the perfect person for the job. In case the answer isn't much, you might be missing out on quality interviews. Without meaning to undermine the ability of the remainder of the resume content, the objective is the thing that makes or breaks a candidate's odds of employment. The Fundamentals of Surgi cal Tech Resume Revealed Our article is likely to help you produce your own surgical tech resume by providing two downloadable surgical technician resume samples to assess. With respect to qualifications, getting the proper education and certifications ought to be in your Surgical Tech skills list. The very first thing which you should do is to become certified as a Surgical Tech. Hiring managers know what things to search for in a Surgical Tech. To find out more on what it requires to be a Surgical Technologist, have a look at our complete Surgical Technologist Job Description. Want to Know More About Surgical Tech Resume? Now that you're out in the actual world, you are going to be starting to hunt for jobs in your area. As an applicant, it's your duty to make sure the resume which you write is accepted, and that you're accepted as a potential candidate for work. They need you to be dedicated and passionate about your work. Skills-based resumes emphasize your training as opposed to professional experience, which you might not have already. You may decide to only list the school where you earned your degree in surgical technology, or you could consist of different degrees beyond high school, in case you have them and if you believe they will aid your work search. You will need to keep on top of the newest surgical technology for your job and could be accountable for operating robotic surgical equipment. Fully being a surgical tech isn't effortless. Concentrate on the job available. Your very first paragraph if not your very first sentence is an important portion of your cover letter and ought to be written to provide the reader reason to want to know you more. Next ensure use of good resume keywords. You're able to bring in a style by means of a recipe or you could backup it from a present file. You may create a style from the very start or you'll be able to replicate it from your present file. State which you wish to get considered for the position. After all, there'll be a significant bit of bloodand smell sin the operating space, states Rasmussen College Program Coordinator Chante Yearby. 1 i just completed my very first semester of nursing school and need to submit an application for a nurse tech position at a number of of my regional hospitals. Ensure counts are correct prior to, during and following cases to guarantee patient safety. For this reason, you ought to be in a position to completely understand the situation at hand and execute the suitable tasks without instruction. Your capacity to keep in control and continue being focused is crucial during surgery. Nevertheless, the written area of the test constitutes the majority of the exam and studying for it in the comfort of your house, at any moment you prefer, however you like offers a big advantage, providing you a head start in your search to become a certified nursing assistant. Surgical Tech Resume - the Conspiracy Your capacity to comprehend others' speech is just as important. Exaggerating technical or other skills might be tempting, but it's not a great idea. Enviable ability to correct actions in regard to others' actions. Wonderful ability to arrange things or actions in a particular order or pattern according to a particular rule. The Supreme Strat egy for Surgical Tech Resume Cna sample resume is among the design ideas which you can utilize to reference your Resume. If you're helped by the notion of the article Cna sample resume, don't neglect to share with your pals. Get ideas about how to produce a productive sample surgical technician resume. Utilizing some essential points can allow you to compose a fantastic cover letter for the postdoc position you want. In a resume the choice of a layout is critical. This typically means picking one with a suitable layout and design, along with supplying solid content.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Database Developer Resume - Is it a Scam?

Database Developer Resume - Is it a Scam? Database Developer Resume Help! New database models, as opposed to conventional relational ones, make usage of raw and unstructured data from various devices and sources. Otherwise, you ought to keep the header's data short and easy. This dataset is simply a placeholder with no true content. This option gives you the ability to display a customized message to users in the event there's no data to display. The Do's and Don'ts of Database Developer Resume There are many ways to view a query execution program. Listing the skills in a very simple manner provides you the green light. As the database administrator, your task is to organize massive data in a manner which makes life and work easily for the firm. This job is all about communicating directly with users of the site in order to give assist. This means you have to make it past the robot eyes as a way to progress your application. You need the assistance of other equally qualified data administrators to repair the issue. Online coding tests might be great means to screen Java skills. Facts, Fiction and Database Developer Resume This is nearly a bonus question. Job boards offering a performance-based rate (pay per click, pay-per application or even pay per hire) may provide you better results and a great deal more value for the money. If and once an opportunity you desire is available, your resume will be up-to-date and you will be prepared to submit! On the off likelihood that you must wind up noticeably a wonderful site developement, you will need to stay on the ball. The new exam was updated to reflect the most recent services and best practices regarding the developer role. Those who pass either exam will get the exact same advantages and badging to showcase their accomplishment. These aspects would be helpful to highlight in your CV. Do the above, and you're going to require a data warehouse to store all of your interview requests. Below you'll find information how you are able to use programming tests and which ones to pick. Sure all the information that you will need is in the CV you just have to find the ideal ones. This will say a great deal about you as an individual and as an employee. Concerning expectations, it actually is dependent upon the candidate and your requirements. How to demonstrate the experiences in your resume is a significant question makes you most proper for practically any work profile. If you're certified based on each version, your certification is very good for a couple of years from the date it was attained. What You Should Do to Find Out About Database Developer Resume Before You're Left Behind You ought to take an exam so as to earn Microsoft certification. A synonym may be Front End Engineer. How to Stand Out You might need to start looking into earning Microsoft SQL Server Certification to demonstrate that you're a database development professional. Experience is an absolute must if you need to be a Data Administrator. If this SQL Developer resume example was not sufficient for you, you're absolutely free to review a few other samples and templates from our website. SQL Server should maintain all indexes even if they aren't used. The Argument About Database Developer Resume Just like you ought to have a superior comprehension of data to permit you to organize them effectively, we included valuable information about how to compose key sections of your application. The database developer works in several sectors, performing a number of tasks and obligations. The application automates the intricate calculations necessary to manage municipal H20. Finally, you ought to be able to make sure our database techniques run effectively and securely on a daily basis. These professionals also create methods and systems made to generate the managing of data efficient and potent. Based on your specialization, you could be in a position to focus your certification on data platforms or company intelligence. You're going to be working with different data administrators. Business logic developers shouldn't be in the work of verifying table relationships.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Software Engineer Resume Template - the Story

Software Engineer Resume Template - the Story Resumes created utilizing this template will certainly help you stick out from the rest. Additionally, there are a few instances of cover letters. The templates are useful as it will allow you to create a professional resume even when you don't have the idea of formatting a customized resume which may incorporate all the critical information. Beyond that, this template is for those with Spartan taste you merely need the bare essentials. To begin with, list the master list of each skill you've got, obviously associated with your experience for a software engineer! Essentially, you've nailed work at a unicorn business. What's more, you can search for software developer jobs on Monster. Furthermore, you can look for software developer jobs on Monster. Companies wish to employ optimistic individuals, so you would like to set a positive attitude out there. Also list the many platforms you've developed applications for, since many b usinesses specialize in a specific platform. Currently, to make an invoice, all you have to do is follow a template. Your company charge card. You CV ought to be made depending on the kind of task which you're using. The majority of the characteristics supplied by the existent security tool is going to be developed using Java and Interwoven components. Be responsive once you receive a response about the application. Utilizing a resume template is getting an acceptable and smart practice for numerous explanations. The Nuiances of Software Engineer Resume Template There are a lot of free creative resume templates you may use, allowing you to focus your energy on everything else you have to do. There's no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing it's made utilizing a template. Add a little private branding to your resume. This template is especially meant for individuals with lots of of. You might tweak your preferred place to coincide with the role the company is hiring for to demonstrate that you wish to get that particular job. Furthermore, you can find out more about engineering careers on Monster. Needs some engineer may be. Needs he may be. Concentrate on software development and technological abilities, in addition to your academic background and communication skills you are going to be in a position to relate in an internship setting. Soft abilities, on the flip side, are interpersonal skills. Customize the abilities and experience in the resume you send out so it's optimally pertinent to the job which you're applying for. Soft abilities, hard abilities, any skills whatsoever. Quite often schedules don't enable the description to be updated, therefore a recruiter can make certain the candidate is in the loop. The more connections you've got the more likely you will locate a position. All you need to do is point and click. Depending upon the duration of your career, you may have many critical projects that you need to include in your resume. You have the capacity to use our properly produced resume templates and also one of a kind return to contractor to quickly along with conveniently set a standout resume. If you are able to add 2 or 3 to each experience, then you'll demonstrate that you're a goal-oriented individual. It is at least as important to edit the info that you set on your resume as it is to highlight your standout qualities that are related to the position you would like. If you don't list that experience, I will assume you have minimum experience with it even if it's on your skill list. Characteristics of Software Engineer Resume Template You should make sure you're staying on top of your job search procedure and you don't get distracted. For our entire guide, read how to compose a resume. Download our totally free example and start improving your resume today. See this good guide on the bes t way to tailor a resume any work offer. Zety's resume templates are made with the aid of recruiters and stick to the best practices in HR. Lengthy resumes do not draw in the recruiters much and will likely be ignored. Then read the work offer. Don't neglect to include a cover letter with your work application.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Write an Objective for a Resume Secrets

How to Write an Objective for a Resume Secrets Top How to Write an Objective for a Resume Choices Keywords are only one part of customizing your resume to a certain job. A resume objective might also incorporate where you've been, and where you would like to go in your career. As stated previously need to pick skills that have some relevance to the job which you're applying for. Creating an IT resume objective gives you a means to demonstrate a hiring manager what you wish to do and how you'll benefit the business. Your resume's career objective should state that you're searching to join a stable business in a position that would supply you with the chance to expand your expertise and improve your skills. Your objective isn't just about what type of sales position you're searching for, it's also about what you could do for the business that hires you. Your career objective is a chance for you to impress it to the employer immediately they start to read your resume which yo u're well suited for the finance job and deserve a chance for an interview. Additionally, there are job seekers that are searching for the ideal job for the short-term. You've got to present your qualifications and your skills in a sense that will catch the interest of a hiring manager, and among the best methods to do that is via the target statement on your resume. Therefore, if you're searching for a new job, it is vital that your resume stands from the crowd to guarantee you a spot on the shortlist. Whether you're searching for your very first job or your next one, you want a resume that shows employers that you're a skilled professional. The How to Write an Objective for a Resume Game New college graduates, and newcomers to the environmental field seeking to land the perfect job, ought to know of several important elements which should be included in each environmental resume. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write as you likely don't have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify how you know the kind of career you're searching for. A resume objective can explain why you're qualified for the job, even if it's the case that you do not own a lot of related experience. Now you have the perfect resume which comprises a format including all the important information an employer is searching for, it is the right time to get started preparing for your interview. Life After How to Write an Objective for a Resume It is essential for applicants to speak to the company they are applying to so as to figure out the particular tasks the position will require. The Career Objective is intended to provide the hiring manager a reason to keep on reading your resume. If you submit your application online, you also need to have a chance to attach your resume. In a variety of ways, an objective replaces a lot of the detail you would place in your professional experience section. Since you'll discover, even in case you don't have any prior professional experiences, it's possible to still draw on your school e xperiences. Be ready to elaborate on all of the info you provided on your resume. There is a whole lot of helpful details! You must have five objective statements. A summary statement is a brief expert introduction you may increase the peak of your resume. Therefore, it's important to compose a compelling objective statement that hits the target and creates a fantastic impression instantly. A strong summary statement at the peak of your resume can increase the probabilities of them noticing what you've got to offer from the beginning. How to Write an Objective for a Resume Ideas There's an excellent chance it won't include all the keywords set out in the work description. Use a couple of sentences maximum. You have a couple seconds to produce an impression with your resume, so you wish to make sure that you're hitting all the ideal targets. Although resumes are composed using standard elements, there is absolutely no prescribed format which works equally well for everybo dy. Life After How to Write an Objective for a Resume Applicants should also know about the spellings utilized in the nation in which he's applying for employment. Objectives ought to be checked for spelling and proofread by an expert. Objectives listed on a resume ought to be crafted to fit the kind of job the applicant desires and the way the applicant want to utilize his abilities. As soon as it's very important to your resume to incorporate a very clear career goal, you don't need to convey it through an Objective section. If your Objective says you're searching for a full-time job and you're asking for a part-time internship, you will probably be disqualified immediately. Based on your degree of experience and the jobs you're applying for, what you decide to concentrate on in your resume summary can fluctuate. You may rather incorporate an objective in a job-search letter instead, especially in the event that you wish to be thought about for a wide selection of positions. If you opt to incorporate an objective, specify the sort of position you are looking for. You might not know where to start in regards to writing a resume objective.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on What Makes a Good Resume

Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on What Makes a Good Resume Resume objectives can be a little controversial. If you've got many abilities, the previous skill paragraph may be called Additional Skills. Language skills are sometimes a good selling point on your resume. The use of bullets may also ensure much better reader comprehension when visually scanned. A resume is quite a selective body of content. The very best writing states a good deal in few words. Making certain your categories are well organized is a fast means to help set you in the yes pile and keep you from the trash pile. You need to be able to play with words as a way to keep it from becoming monotonous. Don't make the error of answering each job posting with the exact generic resume. Characteristics of What Makes a Good Resume Focus on how you're an advantage to the companynot the way the business can help you. Whoever owns a little software provider advertises for a seasoned software salesperson. Actually, you ought to know that lots of companies nowadays are using Applicant Tracking Systems to help them screen resumes and get the best candidates. Many businesses utilize some type of screening procedure to recognize the correct candidates. What Makes a Good Resume Ideas Then underneath that ought to be a superior summary about you and what you need to offer to an employer. If you are a newcomer to the work market, your Summary is going to be based more on ability than experience. In case you were a registered nurse, most likely your job description is quite much like that of most other registered nurses. You need to have a look at the work description the employer published for the place to know the competence they are searching for. Every employer should seek the services of proactive and dynamic candidates. If you're presently on work, your work experience, in other words, the duties you're performing will need to be described in present tense to show you're still working in that position. You might not get interviewed if your prior salary is higher than predicted. The point is to not only underline the skills you have that relate to the job which you're applying to, but in addition provide your prospective employer with a chronological record of the jobs you've held before. When you submit an application for work, there's a very good chance many of your abilities and personality traits overlap with different candidates who have applied for precisely the same function. In other words, a great resume is one that can provide you an interview appointment at which you are going to have the opportunity to show your worth. It is possible to never begin too soon to begin learning all you can regarding the work search process, how to generate wonderful resumes and cover letters, and acquiring excellent interviewing skills that cause you to look and sound polished while you're trying to promote your abilities. What Makes a Good Resume - Dead or Alive? For instance, if you're asking for a team management position and the work description highlights the organization's drive to facilitate cross-department communication, you might share your capacity to bring people together around a mutual goal and make drive in a group setting. Each one takes a different strategy and what works for one won't do the job for one more. If your prior work experience isn't pertinent to the work description, you need to acquire creative and frame your present skill set as being transferable into a new function. Unless you're a graphic designer looking for employment, there's no need to over think the plan of your one-pager. The War Against What Makes a Good Resume An excellent resume needs to be standard. On occasion the Skills and Accomplishments section is a distinct section. A good resume is not easy to come by. It's always preferable to make a new email address that's somewhat professional. It's simple to overlook mistakes as soon as it comes to numbers. Using recommendations is a simple approach to turn bad resumes into good resumes, a nd therefore don't be scared to use them. The secret is to format the data in a manner that makes it simple to scan and recognise your job objectives and relevant qualifications, Augustine tells us.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on High School Resume for College Application

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on High School Resume for College Application Life After High School Resume for College Application Odds are you might do a poorly written paper which may force you to perform badly. Career Objectives are excellent for resumes with a particular function. Next, you'll also have one week to provide your feedback to the author. Resumes are a lot more than only a very simple collection of your prior responsibilities. Employers wish to know precisely what you did or learned so they know what you need to offer as an employee. You always ought to make certain your resume is no more than 1 page and feature a wide range of information. You will need to choose the correct particulars. There are variety of examples and distinct forms of Free Resume Templates which can be found which could be downloaded free. One of the things which employers search for in a possible employee is how they mesh with the total work atmosphere. Your contact information should always go at the very top of your resume, so that employers can readily find it. Find information about ways to impress the hiring manager during an interview and advice about how to conduct yourself at the workplace as soon as you've got the job. So if you're really serious in finding job, then you ought to use the assistance of such on-line firms. The next thing to do is to select literature and sources of the info which you require. Subscribing to the show is the simplest approach to guarantee that you won't miss any of the fantastic information our guests share! Ensure that your answering machine message is acceptable. After all, the very first thing you will need is to analyze the subject of the work and the center of the subject. High School Resume for College Application - Is it a Scam? Either can demonstrate the dean you're more than only an application. You're going to observe the very best college application resume on Earth. A typical college application doesn't always provide a student room to highlight all her or his accomplishments and experience. It doesn't always give a student room to highlight all of his or her accomplishments student experience. Activities resume achievements can result in scholarships. Scholarship committees search for participation in extracurriculars, and a few require that recipients have to be application in a specific activity. When you lay out all your achievements and activities on a single page, it's simple to check whether you exemplify that sort of student. An excellent essay is able to help you get accepted to your dream school. The very first step in putting together a resume is writing down all your high school experiences so far. If you don't have a resume, and wish to generate a good job application, do not bother because our top professional writers will provide you a totally free survey which is centered on you skills, higher school and college info, possible internship, experience, and other details that are required to begin creating a resume, and enable you to get a desired position. In spite of the fact there are countless fantastic college resume examples to be found online, writing your own resume is not quite as easy as you believe. Law School Admissions Builder Sample Law schools are seeking applicants with an established record of succeeding. High school students may require a resume to submit an application for work or as an element of a university application. High School Resume templates are a fantastic resource for such students. Employers can learn all they will need to understand about a candidate from their school performance, which means that your Education section should reflect well on you. College courses may also go within this section, in the event the student has taken any. It's expected that students will understand how to use these. Many students don't realize the value of making a college admission resume while they're in high school.